πŸ†” User Identification

Boost Feedback Quality with User-Specific Identification

Get to know your users for more insightful feedback. User Identification allows you to pre-fill fields such as name, email, and more, enhancing the user experience. Looking to attach non-user data? See Custom Data.


Basic Usage (Two Methods)

Recommended Option identify(uid: string, attributes: object)

Allows for real-time updates but requires SDK initialization first.

Userback.identify(123456, {
    name: 'Jane Doe', // required
    email: '[email protected]', // required
    plan: 'Pro',
    account_id: 456785

Note: identify() updates existing records, not a complete overwrite.

Alternative Option user_data: object

Best for quick implementation. Limited in that it can't be updated without reloading.

Userback.user_data = {
    id: 123456, // required
    info: {
        name: 'Jane Doe', // required
        email: '[email protected]', // required
        plan: 'Pro',
        account_id: 456785

Types of User Data

idA string containing your unique identifier for a user.123456Required
nameUser's full name.Jane DoeRequired
emailUser's email address.[email protected]Required
Custom AttributesA JSON object with key/value pairs providing additional information (optional).{ plan: 'Pro', account_id: 456785 }Optional
locationUser's geographical location.Wanaka, New ZealandSystem generated
first seenTimestamp when the user was first identified.2021-07-14 09:08:01System generated
last seenTimestamp when the user was last active.2021-10-13 12:14:22System generated

Note: Location, first seen, and last seen are automatically generated.


  • Keys should not contain special characters.
  • Values must be JSON strings, numbers, or booleans.

Accessing User Data

Feedback Dashboard Sidebar

User data can be viewed on the right-hand panel of the feedback dashboard.
Feedback Sidebar

User Details Page

Get an overview of user feedback and properties.
User Details Page

Support & Further Reading

For more information, consult the JavaScript SDK Documentation.

Encounter issues? Please send a message to our support team.