
Quickly integrate Userback via NPM or Yarn with this step-by-step guide and code samples


The Userback JavaScript package allows you to seamlessly integrate the Userback Widget into your JavaScript or TypeScript application for feedback collection and management.


To install any of the packages and embed Userback, you'll need a Widget Access Token.

NPM Installation

npm i @userback/widget


To embed the Userback Widget, use the following example code snippets:

JavaScript Example

import Userback from '@userback/widget';
Userback('**Widget Access Token**').then((ub) => {
    // identify your logged-in users (optional)
    ub.identify("123456", {
        name: "someone",
        email: "[email protected]"


Here are some examples to customize the behavior of the Userback Widget:

Example 1: Delay Showing the Widget

Userback('**Widget Access Token**', { autohide: true }).then(ub => {
    document.querySelector('button.show-feedback').addEventListener('click', function(){

Example 2: Enable Native Screenshots

const userback = await Userback('**Widget Access Token**', { native_screenshot: true });

document.querySelector('button.screenshot').addEventListener('click', (event) => {
    userback.open('bug', 'screenshot');

Example 3: Get a Reference to the Userback Widget

import { getUserback } from '@userback/widget';

document.querySelector('button.screenshot').addEventListener('click', (event) => {
    getUserback().open('bug', 'screenshot');

For advanced customization information, refer to our JavaScript SDK documentation.

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