
Purging old Archived Projects, Automatic Feedback Assignment and more

  • ๐Ÿงน Archived Projects are now automatically deleted 12 months from the archive date. We'll send an email reminder within 30 days of deletion as a courtesy, we've also included "days until archived" on the Projects page.
  • โคต๏ธ New Feedback can now be assigned automatically to any project team member based on Feedback Type (General Feedback, Bug Report, or a Feature Request). If you regularly assign the same Feedback Types to the same person, this is for you!
  • ๐Ÿ–ฅ๏ธ We've added the macOS version number to Feedback Session Info, originally we only provided the macOS release name. For example: macOS Big Sur โ†’ macOS Big Sur 11.6.7.
  • ๐Ÿ“ฃ There's now a "Feedback portal activated" icon next to the Project title on the Projects page. We've made it easier to see exactly which Project has an active Feedback Portal.
  • ๐Ÿ”Œ Integration errors are now easily identified with a prompt on the Integrations and Overview page. "Have you tried turning it off and on?".

Fixes & Updates

  • Windows 11 users were identified as Windows 10 users in Feedback Session Info.
  • Login sessions weren't being remembered for some users.